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Community Planning and Partnerships Application Form
Applicant Name
Organization Name
Postal Code
Email Address (Please ensure that you provide a valid email address, as a copy of your responses will be sent to the email address that you provide.)
What is the nature of your business and the services provided?
Describe your day-to-day operations that you are proposing for this partnership.
How will a partnership between the TCDSB and your organization provide a benefit to the students at the school or to the Board?
Name of School or Facility for Partnership
Space Requirements - Square Feet / Meters
Space Requirements - Washrooms
Space Requirements - Parking Spaces
Space Requirements - Number of Classrooms
Space Requirements - Storage Space
Space Requirements - Hours of Operation
Who will be accessing/using the space on a day-to-day basis? (Select all that apply. If Other, please specify.)
Staff (Specify how many)
Visitors (Specify how many)
Clients (Specify how many)
Other (Specify who and how many)
Are any municipal approvals required? If YES, explain:
What is the timeline you are proposing to begin occupying the space, and for how long?
Do you expect to undertake any capital improvements to the school or facility? If YES, explain:
What is your source of funding for this partnership?
Other comments (OPTIONAL):
Upload any attachments or files if necessary (OPTIONAL):
Drop files or click here to upload
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